Bringing Local Farmers Right to your Table


Bringing local fresh food to your neighborhood. 

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Our Markets

There are a few markets that are under our brand name which you could visit. Give your support to our local farmers as they bring out the best goods for you to choose from.

Kripton Star Farmers Market

Saturdays (8am – 2pm), Alameda, CA

Located strategically at Kripton. This market is full of food and groceries.

Jack London Farmers Market

Tuesdays (10am – 2pm), Oakland, CA

Popular among the locals. It is packed during weekends which you could visit while you’re there.

Ferry Plaza Farmers Market

Thursdays (10am – 2pm), SF, CA

Special as it centered near a river which you could visit it’s pier.

Over 400 Local Merchants

All of our local merchants are very friendly and provide great services when it comes to food selling.

100% Organic

All of our products and goods are 100% organic and fresh from the farm. No preservatives or additives are being added into our goods.

Local Merchants




The food and fruits are very fresh. I always come to visit for my daily shopping for organic goods.


– Victor Novak, Califor Agro Ltd.

Mauris porta nulla vitae aliquam luctus. Vestibulum non tempus libero. Sed ultricies diam ligula, vitae vestibulum lectus.


– Victor Novak, Califor Agro Ltd.

Mauris porta nulla vitae aliquam luctus. Vestibulum non tempus libero. Sed ultricies diam ligula, vitae vestibulum lectus.


– Victor Novak, Califor Agro Ltd.

Mauris porta nulla vitae aliquam luctus. Vestibulum non tempus libero. Sed ultricies diam ligula, vitae vestibulum lectus.


– Victor Novak, Califor Agro Ltd.

Special Events

08 Sep 2017

Organic Crops Showing Event 2017

Displaying organic crops for the public and also raising awareness of benefits of organic crops.

08 Sep 2018

Organic Crops Showing Event 2018

Showcasing organic crops from the local farmers and choose the best goods among the farmers.

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