Be the #1 in Google search for your industry

SEO Company in Penang

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Reach more customers with organic traffic.


Have a website but doesn’t know how well your website is performing in terms of SEO? We’ll offer you a FREE SEO website audit and help you identify any key problems that you need to take care of.


A good SEO can get your website to a higher rank when people are searching for keywords that are related to your services or products.


We only practice industry standards and following Google guidelines strictly to get your website ranked. Unethical practices might get your website ranked overnight but you are risking your website being penalized by Google!


Measure your website performance by having a monthly SEO report that could give you in-depth insight and information of your Google Search rankings.

“Boost Your Online Business by ranking higher in Google” – Rebrand.

SEO Services in Penang

Keyword Research.

Researching on keywords that are related to your business and determine which keyword are worth ranking for. Low search volume keywords are not worthy for SEO even thought you can easily rank them to first page.

Website Audit.

Analysing your website and identifying key problems and issues. Laying out and planning to fix these problems is just the first step.

On-Page SEO.

We’ll optimise your web pages and landing pages by making sure meta tags and descriptions are well written. This would increase the chance of organic click through rates.

Off-Page SEO.

Increasing the credibility and authority of your domain by getting other websites to refer to you, guest posting and many more. Higher credebility websites tend to rank higher as well!



SEO Services Penang

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a process of optimising your website and improving its rank by making it more relevant and credible within search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

How does SEO work?

SEO is considered as one of the most complicated marketing strategies out there due to the ever-changing algorithms of search engines.

Our SEO Process:

  • Website Audit – We perform a complete website audit in terms of SEO performance, keywords ranking and overall analyse.
  • Keyword Research – Analysing and in-depth research on keywords that are relatable and worth investing SEO efforts so that customers could reach you effortlessly.
  • On-page Optimisation – Fixing key problems and issues that could be found within the website itself such as adding meta tags, descriptions, image alt texts and keywords adding.
  • Off-page Optimisaiton – Generating quality backlinks that refers back to your website is one of the most important factor which search engines rank websites for.
What is a white hat SEO?

White hat SEO is the practice of ranking websites by using ethical techniques and adhering to standard SEO Guidelines. Black hat SEO is the opposite of white hat SEO in which it could rank your website in short period of time in return jeopardizing your website’s credibility.

What is on-page SEO?

On-page optimisation is a technique used in order to rank websites in Google Search Engines.

Basic Techniques:

  • Meta tags and descriptions
  • Appropriate Headings (H1, H2, H3)
  • URL Structure
  • Keyword Frequency
  • Image Alternate Texts
What is off-page SEO?

Off-Page optimisation refers to activity or process that are taken outside of the website which could affect the overall position in search engines.

Off-Page SEO:

  • Social Bookmarking
  • Forum Posting
  • Guest Blogging
  • Article Posting
  • RSS Feeds
  • Social Postings
How long for SEO to work?

We would highly recommend that as a business, you should invest and commit at least 6 months period of SEO in order to see the effectiveness. SEO is an on-going process which sholdn’t be stopped or reduced even after you’ve achieved certain ranks or goals.

Can you guarantee my website to be on the 1st page?

We can only guarantee to perform the SEO practices with ethical way and following the necessary industry standards and practices.

We couldn’t guarantee 1st page results as even stated by Google excerpt, source : Google Webmaster

No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google.
Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a “special relationship” with Google, or advertise a “priority submit” to Google. There is no priority submit for Google

So, beware if there’s an agency or company that claims that they are able to rank your website to first page in X period of time. Chances are, they are using methods that might get your website penalized!

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We’re a digital marketing agency that creates fast loading, search optimized websites with great looking designs!

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